1-Sugarloaf Cirque. Living on the edge. Maine's
cirques are not as alpine and well defined as those
in the Whites but this one provides plenty of drama
and plenty of view looking across the Caribou Valley
to the Crockers.
2-Goose's Back. OK, I made the name up. It's the
long open ledge north of Goose Eye. Magnificent
views into New Hampshire's north country, the wild
and rugged area north of the White Mountains.
3-Bemis Mt (North of 2nd Peak). Maine has
several groups of large lakes north of the AT and
this is a great place to get a view of the curving
Richardson Lakes.
4-Height-of-Land. This is actually a road crossing.
Great view of Mooslookmeguntic Lake and the
mountains beyond.
5-Unnamed Viewpoint South of Route 4.
Introductory look at Saddleback from the relatively
flat section north of Sabbathday Lake.