class by itself and not just because it's the end of the
1-Bigelow. This one has a little of everything. Beautiful high mountain pond, side trails, multiple viewpoints and ridgeline walking. I laughed. I cried. I didn't want it to end.
2-Saddleback. This one requires more than a little patience especially with a backpack but what a view. Saddleback combines the heart-of-the-wilderness feel that makes Maine special with a heart-of- the-mountains view.
3-Old Speck. Part beauty, part brutality. Old Speck epitomizes the Mahoosucs as its northern finale. Views of Speck Pond, Maine's highest from the peaks on either side and a spectacular ascent on open ledges make this rugged range worth the effort.
4-Baldpate. The east peak is easily the more scenic of the two with its bare rock dome and wide open views. There's also a unique high bog between the peaks that is one of the few in such an open area.
5-Chairback. For a 180' view this one is pretty cool. East Chairback Pond sitting on a mid-level plateau, the Gulf Hagas-Whitecap group rising up across the valley of the West Pleasant and scattered mountains beyond.
Honorable Mention- Whitecap. For many, the first well-defined view of Katahdin.