Top 5 Most Brutal Ascents/Descents

1-Moosilauke (north). Even as a descent for north-
bounders, this one changes the rules you thought you
knew. Steep angular trail with little or nothing to
hold on to and the only place on the AT with wooden
blocks secured to the rock to help your footing.

2-South Kinsman. At least there's a view that
keeps expanding. It's a tough climb and you'll need
to use your hands. All this after a very rough 10 miles
on the Kinsman Ridge.

3-Webster Cliff. No, you don't have to scale a cliff
with a full pack. You'll feel like it though as this
merciless, rocky ascent just keeps going and going
and going.

4-Wildcat. Talk about bad timing, just when you
want to relax and bask in the glow of having made
it through the Presidentials, the trail enters its most
difficult phase. From Mt Washington to Little Bigelow,
get ready to have your butt kicked.

5-Mt Liberty (Franconia). This one didn't feel as
hard maybe because it was the start of a new section
and came after a day of rest. Still, it's the first time
over 5000 feet since the Highlands well over a thousand
miles ago.