1-South Twin. The ‘other’ great peak out the 10 or so
that make up the horse-shoe of Franconia’s great
mountains. (South Twin is at 2:00 O’Clock, Lafayette
10:00). It’s more remote and the view is more intimate,
focused on the mountains nearby but that’s still pretty
2-Mt Hight. That’s how its spelled although a little old
school creativity might be at work. Fabulous views back
to Mt Washington and the Presidentials on one side and
the lower ridges of Baldpate and Caribou on the other.
3-Mt Guyot. Named after someone who, well...liked
naming things after himself. In New Hampshire
mountainspeak this one doesn’t count as a separate
4000 foot mountain since its not sufficiently distinct
from the peaks around it but the view would say
otherwise. Even if you think you’ve seen enough
different views of Franconia, this is one of the more
interesting, looking up at sphinx-like Garfield and
across to Lafayette.
4-Mt Moriah. Kind of an ‘oh-yeah’ at the north end of
the Carter Range. It’s the northernmost 4000 footer on
the AT in New Hampshire gives you a good look back at
the Presidential Range before turning your attention
northward to the Mahoosucs and Maine.
5-Wildcat. This mountain was tough for me mostly
because I charged through the Whites so hard I was
exhausted by the time I hit Wildcat and didn’t realize it.
There are still some great views of Washington and
Pinkham Notch and the finale looking down into Carter
Notch is a gem.
Honorable Mention-Mt Garfield.