1-Mountain Lakes. This is where the glaciated
mountains of Vermont have it all over everybody
else. No other state has as many lakes as high
mountains and there’s nothing to refresh body
and soul like an afternoon swim.
2-Mountain Towns. Every state has its center
of gravity. As much as the Smokies mean to Carolina
the center of gravity is the Piedmont. In the mid-
Atlantic, it’s the coastal cities but in Vermont it’s
all about the mountains. All those little towns and
farms tucked into the landscape are what give
Vermont its identity.
3-The Mountain Effect. Vermont is probably
the closest in its political outlook to the thru-hiking
community for many of the same reasons; closeness
to the land, small close- knit communities and motives
other than profit.
4-Mountain Return. Vermont marks the return
to the mountains after a long dry spell in the mid-
atlantic states. Bars and burgers are fun but that's
not why you came. Now it starts to all make sense.
5-Easy Hitches. This reflects my own personal
breakthrough of learning to stick my thumb out
more than anything else (I don’t take rejection well)
so it’s not a reflection on any other state. All I can say
is Thank You Vermont.